12 Easy Ways to Increase Your Water Intake

Chasing kids around the playground? Rockin’ a 4-minute workout? You need water to fuel these everyday activities. Good ol’ H2O maintains body fluids and hydrates muscles, and keeps the digestive system moving. Water is also Mother Nature’s original appetite suppressant, filling the stomach to reduce overeating. We’re sharing 12 easy ways to increase your water intake.

12 Easy Ways to Increase Your Water Intake

1. Make that to-go.

When you’re running tons of errands or juggling job responsibilities, it’s harder to stay hydrated without giving in to convenience store or vending machine drink temptations. Fill a water bottle every morning and take it on your travels. Check out The Role of Water in Your Weight Loss.

2. Drink water before every meal or snack.

One simple way to increase water intake is to create this healthy habit: before each meal, even breakfast or a snack, drink a half glass or full glass of water. If you need a little flavor, indulge in tasty Strawberry-Basil Water.

3. Mix your own drink.

Not a fan of plain water? Treat your taste buds to one of these delicious Flavored Waters.


4. Ice it up.

Another way to flavor plain H2O is to get creative with ice cubes. Jazz up water with frozen clementine slices or with ice cubes made from a no-sugar-added juice, like pomegranate. Learn 4 Ways Pomegranates are Powerful for Your Health.

5. Say “no” to soda.

Whether your weakness is diet pop or regular soda, sipping these beverages can trigger weight gain—yes, even diet drinks! Banish soda from the fridge so that you’re less likely to cave to temptation. Instead, reach for water or one of these water-based Healthy Alternatives to Diet Sodas.

6. Sack the sports drinks.

Many store-bought sports beverages contain excess sugar or artificial sweeteners. Replace them with plain water, or try this water-based, healthy Orange Sports Drink recipe.

7. Eat your water.

Drinking H2O isn’t the only way to increase water intake. Tomatoes, watermelons, cucumbers, celery, green peppers, cauliflower, and spinach are all foods high in water content. Dig into a yummy Classic Cucumber & Tomato Salad.

8. Choose carbonated water.

Sparkling water gives you the same bubbly feel as soda, without the calories or artificial sweeteners. Refresh yourself with Healthy Lemon-Ginger Sparkling Water or natural Zingy Pink Grapefruit Soda.



9. Drink unsweetened tea.

Tea beverages consist of water flavored with herbs or fruits. In fact, green tea is a superfood known for its antioxidant power. Discover why Red Tea is a Superfood.

10. Dilute juices.

Another way to increase water intake is to dilute the juice you drink. Adding water to no-added-sugar juice will reduce calories and help you boost water consumption.

11. Alternate your beverages.

If you’re hooked on drinking soda or coffee, or frequently attend events where you’ll be drinking coffee or alcohol, try this tip. Each time you finish a non-water drink, make sure your next choice is a glass of water. This keeps consumption of not-so-healthy beverages down and water intake up. Check out 7 Non-Alcoholic Drinks to Try This Summer.

12. Set a timer.

It sounds simple and maybe silly, but when the schedule is packed it’s easy to forget to take care of yourself. Set reminders on your computer or smartphone to take regular water breaks. Do you like to use your smartphone to make life easier? See 5 Best Free Grocery Shopping Apps.

Add a few of these tips to drink more water to your daily routine and see how easy it is to stay hydrated the healthy way.

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